Portable Dual Band 315MHz 433MHz Car Remote Control Jammer with 100 Meters Range

Price:   US$97.69

  • Model: CEC_JAM_3029
  • Shipping Weight: 0.33kg
  • 161 Units in Stock

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****45Days Refund Or Replacement,18Month Warranty.Free Shipping Worldwide From EU,AU,UK,US,HK Warehouse Enjoy Customs Duties Free.
(Processing Order In 12hours,Complete Orders Today,Deliverd Around 12/31/2024)
Product Description
Having the need to use the car remote control signal blocker and looking for a dual band one Then just here this Portable Dual Band 315MHz 433MHz Car Remote Control Jammer with 100 Meters Range that you are viewing here can just meet with your requirements then.
Firstly, as designed with 2 antennas so that this car remote control jammer owns the ability to cut off the signals of 315MHz 433MHz remote control signals at the same time, and as designed with the high power so that the shielding range of this handheld 315MHz 433MHz remote control jammer is up to 100 meters at most, which is really powerful. Thus as owning the handheld design this 315MHz 433MHz car remote control jammer is really easy to take along with you as well since it is powered by the DC9V Super Alkaline Battery.
Just via using this portable 315MHz 433MHz RF signal blocker soon you can block the 315MHz 433MHz remote control easily, and for more details of this 315MHz 433MHz car remote control jammer you can just come here and have a look at the following specifications then.
This product is in stock now, we guarantee shipping within 24 hours and offer 1 year warranty for all our products. Brought to you by the leader in security devices and best Signal Jammer
Manufacturer Specifications
Frequency Jammed:315/433MHz (+/- 2MHz)
Power Supply:DC9V Super Alkaline Battery x 1
Operating Range:UP to 100 meters (50m radius)
Working current:240mA
Package Contents
Car remote control jammer